APAI Declaration

Access to Information: An enabling and fundamental human right

The African Platform on Access to Information (APAI) Declaration

APAI Declaration

The African Platform on Access to Information (APAI) Declaration was adopted at the Pan African Conference on Access to Information (PACAI) on 19 September 2011, held in Cape Town, South Africa, upon a motion for adoption moved by Advocate Pansy Tlakula, Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and Access to Information of the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights and seconded by Honourable Norris Tweah, Deputy Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism for the Republic of Liberia.

The document lists a number of key principles intended to advance the right to access to information in all its dimensions, nationally, regionally, and internationally, and represents the first declaration on access to information on the African continent.

Read APAI Declaration here

African Platform on Access to Information
PDF, 220 KB

Plateforme africaine sur l’accès à l’information
PDF, 222 KB

المنهاج الأفرٌقً المعنً بالح صول ع لى ا لمعلومات

PDF, 540 KB

Plataforma Africana para Acesso à Informação
PDF, 211 KB